Operations & Maintenance/Housing
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8am - 4:30pm
Friday, 8am - 1pm
Phone: 250-440-5611
Located in the Governance building.

Staff Members
- Wilson Chelsea, O&M Manager - wilsonc@esketemc.ca
- Tahnea Alphonse, Residential Property Manager - housing@esketemc.ca
- Brett Potter, Capital Projects Officer - capitalmanager@esketemc.ca
- Jasmin Johnson, Office Assistant
- Edmond Edwards, Biomass Maintenance
- Kip Robbins, Journeyman Carpenter
- Doreen A. Johnson, Janitor
- Karl Ignatius, Recycling
- TJ Rosvold-Mills, Sanitation Worker/Dump Truck Driver
- Operations and Maintenance
The O&M team plans, coordinates and implements repair, maintenance and capital projects and is responsible for building & community maintenance. O&M runs the Water Treatment Program, and handles sewer, sanitation and snow removal.
- Housing
The Housing Coordinator oversees the Housing Program, and is responsible for the collection of rent, communication, implementing of the Housing Policy, and the overseeing of CMHC and band-owned housing and repairs/renovation projects.
In April 2022, O&M staff had attended training from IZWTAG (Indigenous Zero Waste Technical Advisory Group) in order to help the community improve waste management as a means of protecting the environment through recycling and other various methods of waste reduction, i.e. composting. Current Capital Projects consist of a band-operated Eco-Depot in the future.