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Podcast on Wildfire Resilience, by Future Ecologies/The Bulkley Valley Research Centre
FE 2.2 - On Fire pt. 3 "In the Wobble""Another year, another fire season. We’ve already had a lot to say about wildfire, forest science, traditional ecological knowledge, and prescribed burning, but we’re not done yet! In this episode, we tour the Province of BC (and dip down into Washington State) to meet vigilante fire fighters, researchers, and First Nations Chiefs: all working in their communities towards a future of true wildfire resilience."
(featuring Francis Johnson Jr. starting at 46min)
Esk'etemc in the News
Chief calls for state of emergency and fishery closure in light of Big Bar slide in Fraser River - Williams Lake Tribune - July 17, 2019
... "noting the impacts for Interior communities that rely on salmon as a food source could be devastating if the fish can't get through the slide"
Sixties Scoop Survivors Welcomed Home to Esk'et this weekend - Williams Lake Tribune - Feb 15, 2019
..." A Secwepemc community will be marking the Family Day weekend with a welcoming home celebration for all member children who are in foster care or were adopted out of community as part of the Sixties Scoop."
Esk'etemc hosts meeting with government personnel - Williams Lake Tribune - Sep 17, 2018
... "“It’s very rare for beauty and strength to come together and that’s what I saw today”
Dream of Recovery Centre comes to fruition for Esk'etemc First Nation - Williams Lake Tribune - Sep 21, 2017
... "A B.C. Interior First Nations community that has been helping its members tackle addictions for decades is opening a five-bed recovery centre of its own." ...
New school opens in Esk'et - Williams Lake Tribune - Sep 19, 2017
... "A brand new state-of-the-art community school at Esket (Alkali Lake) is for children and elders, said Chief Charlene Belleau during Sxoxomic School’s grand opening"
BC First Nations Chief takes to Fraser River in DFO protest - Williams Lake Tribune - July 11, 2018
... "Esketemc chief issued court summons for dipnetting during salmon closure." ...
Williams Lake elder receives Indspire Award - Williams Lake Tribune, Nov 10, 2017
... "Described as a pillar in preserving her language and culture, Cecilia DeRose teaches ... "
Esk'etemc First Nation crews work the wildfires - Williams Lake Tribune, Aug 3, 2017
... "For Alkali Resource Management (ARM) workers from Esk’etemc First Nation, fighting wildfires is in their blood." ...
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Ctsenmewsctem re Stsmemelt - Documentary Film
Generations of Esk'etemc - Youth Short Film
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Esk'etemc Commitment Stick Initiative
Esk'etemc Commitment Sticks are symbols of a personal commitment to live violence free and a commitment to actively stop violence against Indigenous women and girls.
The idea of the Commitment Sticks started with Alkali Lake (Esk'etemc) Elder Fred Johnson Sr., with the support of Chief Charlene Belleau. The Commitment Sticks represent working together on issues involving violence against Indigenous women and girls.
"Violence against Indigenous women and girls is not just an issue now that it's before the media and the public—it's been an issue for several years," says Chief Belleau. "The government and the police may now have their programs, policies and procedures, but at the end of the day, violence against our women is also a community responsibility. So my push is for us to provide leadership and to do something ourselves, without worrying about what the government or police are doing about it. We might not be able to control what's going on in a big city or anywhere else, but we can start with our own families and communities and Nations."
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