“Our lives, our culture and our continued existence as a people are completely tied to the land occupied by our ancestors since time immemorial. Our land is a sacred trust. It is the living body of our spirituality. Our knowledge and our customs are understood and practiced through this relationship that protects and ensures our survival. It is our mother nourishing us in all ways: physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.”
About Esk’etemc Recovery House
We provide cultural components, safe housing and programs to strengthen wellness, recovery and reintegration into the community.
Alkali Lake - known for addressing substance use disorder in the community using traditional cultural values, and sharing their success worldwide.
Letwilc Ren Semec Centre guides and assists clients on the path toward recovery while reintegrating a healthy lifestyle in a culturally safe recovery service.
Services provided
Two meals per day (lunch and dinner);
Individualized care plan and where appropriate supporting recovery program services;
Recreation activities;
Transportation to program activities and medical appointment(s) in Williams Lake.
19 years of age or older.
Have completed substance use treatment.
Motivated to self-directed change, goal oriented, focused to learn, and are inspired to become independent in a recovery-based lifestyle.
Committed to follow Letwilc Ren Semec Centre guidelines and protocols in an established recovery-oriented home atmosphere.
Does not engage in self-harm activities.
Willing to commit to the Service Care Plan with an understanding of a longer stay for recovery.
Able to participate without supervision in outside appointments and activities.
The recovery centre includes five rooms for an adult substance use supported recovery housing service.
The centre promotes recovery for individuals with substance use challenges by providing safe and secure housing, and promoting reintegration into the community by helping clients secure housing upon discharge.
Priority is given to Aboriginal clients from the Interior.
Clients may stay up to six months.
We accept individuals who have fully completed an alcohol and drug treatment program.
Fees for the services may apply. Contact us for more information.
Screen and assessment process is critical as it determines a person’s served eligibility for services and must align with LRSC’s ability to provide those services. A person-centered assessment process ensures each person served is actively involved in, and has a significant role in, the assessment process.
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You probably have a lot of questions, and wonder what you will be doing for the duration of your stay! During your recovery process, you will be totally involved in all aspects of your reintegration process. You will be given options and will have the freedom to make your own choices. You will gain confidence and self-respect by taking responsibility for the outcomes of your choices.
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Letwilc Ren Semec Centre is pleased to be able to offer post-treatment support services in our new post-treatment Esk’etemc Recovery House. The home will provide a safe and stable environment for clients who have completed a full treatment program but who require more assistance to further strengthen their wellness and recovery.
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Email: laurieb@esketemchealth.ca
Phone: (250) 302-3466
Traditional worker : Fred Johnson

Situated in the beautiful Alkali Lake valley, 50 km southwest of Williams Lake, B.C.
The Esk’etemc Recovery House is located within the Letwilc Ren Semec Centre:. When you get to Esk'et, follow this map. The dashed line begins at the Esk'et First Nations sign above the community.