First post

Took that pic on day one of updating (.org), since then, been putting in the back end. To make updating everything that you can see, easy to update. Anyway, since we're coming down to the last bit of updates before I roll it out, I thought I'd create this. I'm testing, basically, as always, and didn't want to put up a bunch of lorem ipsum.

There are longer term plans based on things a few people said while I'd been within earshot, biggest challenge was finding a way to privide a streaming version of Honour Of All. After a bit of digging around, google searching, and pulling at my hair, I think I came up with a way to do that. It's easier than I thought, just have to implement it. If that goes well, I think I can expand that to other forms of digital entertainment that Esk'etemc has to offer. Art, music, stories, what have you.

Also, at the bottom of the page, I'm putting up the comments section to see if that can catch traction. I can't think of anywhere else I'd be able to put it, except maybe on the front page, or the/a contact page. Somebody give me ideas in the comments section here.

There are a couple things I really need to do, but can't think of a way to present it so people will use them. Which means it needs to be up front and in your personal space. Mostly, a way for off rez band members to get in touch with the various departments and groups that are active here. In addition to that, there are people just looking for information on the Esk'etemc. I'm not exactly the best person to answer those kinds of questions so I'll have to volunteer some poor soul for that duty.

Also, a newsletter would go a long way to helping other esketems keep up to date about what's going on in these parts. Now, I already have a way for people to post their own posts (like this one) by email. People can use a specific email address and it pops right up as a post like this. Then there's a plugin that can send the posts in a newsletter format. People, or bandmembers, could come to the site and sign up, then when people post something, it's automatically sent to those addresses. Or maybe a quarterly thing. Just thinking out loud here.

So, if you want to leave a comment, there's that on the bottom of the page. If you want to email me,

Have a good one,


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  1. good to see something this web page finally addressed. thought they forgot about this for awhile….

  2. Hey Kevin. This is great! This will increase Esket’s membership comunication by leaps and bounds and in my opinion It doesn’t get more user-friendly than this.

    Great job!!

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