Esk'etemc Films

Ctsenmewsctem re Stsmemelt
Released in 2018, "Ctsenmewsctem re Stsmemelt - Showing the Way for the Children" is a film about the historic Esk'etemc Declaration of Title & Rights of May 8, 2017.
a film by Jeremy Williams, River Voices Productions
Running time 39min
DVD includes Special Features:
- “Yucwemintem re Tmicws re Esk’etemc”, 8min shortfilm
- “Generations of Esk’etemc” 5min youth shortfilm
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"Esk’etemc declared Title and Rights over the traditional territory of Esk’etemculucw on May 8, 2017.
This documentary film follows Esk’etemc on their path to self-determination, with compelling insights into their cultural and traditional way of life.
“Ctsenmewsctem re Stsmemelt” is the expression of a remote community stepping back into their power, as they reclaim their heritage and their land, declaring who they are and what their rightful place is.
The Esk’etemc are standing up their children, their language and their traditions, by reviving their traditional governance system.
After coming through a dark period of having their lands preempted and their traditional way of life suppressed, they are now healing and declaring their rightful place as caretakers of their land."
follow updates on the Ctsenmewsctem re Stsmemelt – Facebook page!
The Honour of All
Filmed in 1985, 'The Honour of All - the Story of Alkali Lake" tells the impacting story of the community confronting it's struggle with alcoholism - a film well-known with a far-reaching legacy. DVD redesigned and new short film added in 2019
Running time 56min
Producer/Director/Editor: Phil Lucas
Director of Photography/Editor: Peter von Puttkamer
Executive Producers: Charlene Belleau, Len George,
Phil Lane Jr.
all rights reserved by Alkali Lake Indian Band (Esk'etemc) @1986
Digital copy is no longer available for download.
Honour of All, The Story of Alkali Lake (1985)
The Honour of All tells the story of how the community of Esk'etemc (Alkali Lake) overcame crippling rates of alcoholism and dysfunction, and started on a journey of community sobriety.
Esk'etemc community members played their own roles in the film, re-enacting the events of the 1970's which would shape the future of the community, and become an inspiration to countless individuals and communities facing similar struggles throughout the world.
Running time 100min, Produced/Edited by Phil Lucas, Executive Producers: Charlene Belleau, Len George, Phil Lane Jr., Director of Photography/Edited by Peter von Puttkamer
copyright © 1985 Esk'etemc
"These films have opened the Path of Sobriety for countless relatives of our Human Family" - Phil Lane Jr.
Special Features
Honour of All, Healing Journey - Episode 1, 2019
In 2019, we began revisiting and interviewing some of the people involved in the film and others, to continue the sharing of our journey.
copyright © 2019 Esk'etemc
Honour of All, Part 2 – People of Alkali Lake, 1985
The Alkali Lake Indian Band’s (Esk’etemc) success in reforming their community inspired this program. Their goal is to be resourceful as well as an example to other reserves and communities around the world. Various members of the community discuss the past, present, and future of Alkali Lake. They have put many efforts into restoring Indian culture and tradition. Successful projects such as logging, agriculture, construction, have all nourished this once devastated area. People now hold steady jobs that allow them to see the concrete differences they are making in their own life, and in the lives of others.
copyright © 1985 Esk'etemc
Honour of All, Part 3 – Sharing Innovations That Work, 1985
Twenty years after Phyllis and Andy took a stand against alcohol, Alkali Lake hosted a national conference. More than 1200 representatives from reserves across North America came to Alkali Lake to learn how to develop an alcohol and drug free community. See the highlights of this successful gathering as all reserves unite to share their stories and to practice the cultures and traditions of their heritage.
copyright © 1985 Esk'etemc
While the “The Honour of All” dramatically portrays the painfully slow road back to sobriety, it gives hope and inspiration to Indigenous people and all people affected by alcoholism. We see the importance of community support, love and forgiveness and how individual lives can be reclaimed.
for questions on Esk'etemc Products, please contact Gabe Pukacz -