Esk'etemc Chief and Council
Chief & Council Portfolios
Terms until 2024
Councilor Loretta Weingart - Operations & Maintenance, Education
Councilor Edna Robbins - Education, Health
Councilor Neil Paul - Economic Development, Property Management
Councilor Irene Johnson - Support Services, Administration/Finance
Terms until 2026
Kukpi7 (Chief) Fred Robbins - Health, Lands & Resources
Councilor Kevin Chelsea - Administration/Finance, Economic Development
Councilor Kerry Chelsea-Bouchard - Property Management, Operations & Maintenance
Councilor Cary Johnson - Lands & Resources, Support Services

photo by Casey Bennett
Esk'etemc Council members are under the leadership of the Chief and are the governing body of Esk'etemc. As such they are responsible to Esk'etemc members to develop policies and programs to improve the quality of life of the individual and collective membership.
The Esk'etemc Chief is the primary elected representative of Esk'etemc membership. The Chief is the senior member of Esk'etemc Council and attends all meetings. The Chief is the community's representative in all relations and negotiations with all official groups having dealings with Esk'etemc.
Please click the following link to review the Custom Election Code. CEC-Custom Election Code (PDF Format).
Esk'etemc has both elected Chief and Council under the Indian Act, as well as the Traditional Governance system (Yucwemintem re Tmicws re Esk'etemc)