Emergency Operations Centre

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8:30am - 5pm

Friday, 8:30am - 1:30pm

Phone: 250-440-5611, ext. 201
Direct Phoneline: 250-302-0893

Email: recoverymanager@esketemc.ca

The Emergency Operations Centre is "mission control" during a major response where key municipal personnel and other agencies involved gather to support activities taking place at the site(s) of the emergency.

The Emergency Operations Centre is activated to respond and make sure that all aspects of the institution are considered as the situation evolves. Its structure and operations follow best practices outlined by Emergency Management BC (FNESS). Upon activation, the EOC will remain operational until members of the EOC determine that the emergency has been resolved; the timeline for the length of the EOC activation can vary due to the nature of emergencies (forest fires, flooding, pandemic, etc.).

Staff Members

Stacey Johnson, Risk Management
Trevor Chelsea, Emergency Planning Coordinator - recoverymanager@esketemc.ca
Catherine Groundwater, Liaison
Karen Robbins, Planning
Kristie Paul, Logistics
Connie Paul, Finance
Francis Johnson Jr., Incident Commander
Calvin Dubray, Incident Commander