Esk'etemc is a forward-thinking community with strong cultural values and connection to the land.
Esk'etemc Band members 1000+, half live on-reserve
Nation Secwepemc
Language Secwepemctsin
Governance System combination of DISC (elected) chief and council and traditional Esk'etemc governance
In-Community store/gas station, firehall, radio station, ice rink, health centre, band administration offices, band-member owned small businesses, commmunity garden, Elders/Youth centre, Alkali Resource Management, Letwilc ren Semec (Heal My Spirit) recovery centre, Sxoxomic Community School
Band Departments Administration/Finance, Employment/Economic Development, Education, Lands & Resources, Operations & Maintenance, Health
Esk'etemc Declaration of Title & Rights May 8, 2017
Media Publications Ctsenmewsctem re Stsmemelt - documentary film, Celebration & Ceremony-photobook, The Honour of All - DVD, Alkali Lake Hand Drummers - CD

- Esk’etemc has 19 reserves with an approximate total area of 3,800 hectares. Esk’etemc’s administrative offices and the majority of the population are located on IR #1 (Esk’et) about 50 kilometres from Williams Lake on the east side of the Fraser River at Alkali Lake.
- The community of now just over 1000 band members, approximately half of whom live on-reserve, Esk'etemc has rich history on the land over thousands of years. As part of the Secwepemc nation, the language is Secwepemctsin. Learn More
- After coming through a dark period, Esk'etemc is now stepping into their true authority by reclaiming their rightful place as caretakers of Esk'etemculucw (the land of the Esk'etemc). This is done by honouring the ancestors and those who have brought us to this place, along with the traditional teachings.
The children are at the centre of what Esk'etemc does and stands for. Learn More
- Esk'etemc is known for its efforts and successes in addictions recovery and healing, beginning in the early 1970's. The story and movie "The Honour of All", have traveled far and wide, as a compelling and inspiring example for community healing, learn more. The Annual AA Roundup hosted by the community happens every July at the local powwow arbor.
Elected Chief & Council
Traditional Governance Hereditary Chiefs, Headmen & Family Reps
Band Departments
Alkali Resource Management (ARM)/Esk'et Metwécw